Sunday, November 06, 2005

Great Unexpectations

I can't believe they're gone... This weekend has flown by in a whirlwind of happy reunions, tears, and SHOPPING (strange combo, eh?).

Well, the fam arrived around 8:15 pm on Friday night - ALL of them (which was a HUGE treat, because I didn't think my brother, Eric, was going to get to come). After tons of hugs and kisses, it was time to cruise the Clarksville and find some FOOD. We ended up for two hours at O'Charley's, feasting on seafood and long-awaited fellowship (I had a GREAT conversation w/ my brother, who is prayerfully conisdering going on staff w/ Intervarsity in Bloomington come his graduation from Rose-Hulman; afterwards, he would REALLY like to attend seminary). :)

Saturday morning, we all piled into the car in the early afternoon, and made the trek northward to hit the Edinburgh Outlet Mall, which was having RIDICULOUS sales, by the way... This is my ONLY time of the year when I get to do some "new clothes" shopping, and I feel almost guilty at the hilarious buys I found (we're talking 50% off or more!). My favorite aspect of this part of the day, however, was getting to mosey around w/ Eric and Laurie, and crack up at the way Eric deferred to Laurie's fashion sense in EVERYTHING that he bought (she must have picked out all his outfits for him - it was seriously cute). Not to mention we all got to catch up on what the Lord has been working in our lives and family. I am so humbled by the Lord's faithfulness and goodness. WHAT AN AMAZING FATHER WE SERVE!!!

Oh...and if you haven't visited our local Cheesecake Factory, yet - YOU HAVE GOT TO GO!!! OK, so it was Saturday night, and we had to wait three hours to get in, but God in all His sovereignty uses even extended "wait times" to bring about His glory and purpose. While we Wojaks wandered around St. Matthews, I opted to go get a much-needed haircut. Well, it turns out that my hairdresser and I launched into an extended discussion concerning the Scriptures interpretation/explanation of homosexuality. The conversation caught me by surprise, and further emphasized to me the passage in 1 Peter (3:15) which states: "But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts, and always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you, with meekness and fear..." By the time our talk was concluded, I was ready for some prayer time w/ my siblings (who witnessed/prayed thru the entire event), and starving from some rich, yummy goodness.

Anyway...the fam just departed, and my heart is full of blessings - yet heavy - that it will be another few weeks before I see them again. As the holidays approach, I find myself glancing at my dad's pictures more and more. It's funny: though he is, obviously, physically absent for the rest of this so many ways, it feels as though life is still the same. He is still here. This is the time of year to reflect upon the provision and faithfulness of God, and to offer praise and exaltation to His worthy Name. It will be the first season without Pop for all of us...but perhaps a better perspective might be: it will be Dad's first spent w/ the Lord. I must confess, in this case...I envy him so. :)

Praise to You, Father, for Your mercy and grace! Glory to You, God, for your omnipotence and omnibenevolence! Thanks to You, Master, for Your provision and your care. Draw us ever deeper and closer with You, and may we anticipate the Day of Your Glorious return.

We love you, Lord.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing! Sounds like you had an awesome weekend. Someday I will have to try out this so called Cheesecake Factory.

J. C. Ashby said...

Oh, you MUST, John... :) Just make sure that when you go, you're ready to spend some money (at least on the cheesecake).

Enjoy! :)

Anonymous said...

Jenny, I'm glad that God is bringing you peace and teaching you so much.

Happy birthday, friend. May God bless you during this time and the rest of the year. Our prayers are with you and your family.

(that looks like I stole it off a greeting card, huh?)

J. C. Ashby said...

No, it doesn't... That was sweet, Jonathan. Thanks. :)

Actually, my birthday is tomorrow (Nov. 8th); but I'm so touched that you remembered (the 22nd is coming up fast!). You, me, Jose, and Lisa will all have to go out and treat each other to Grater's Ice Cream (or Coldstone Creamery to celebrate) as soon as you get home from Atlanta.

Let us know when you arrive. Miss you, and praying for you (graduation's a-comin'!).

Anonymous said...

What truly awesome weekend it must have been for you Jen! You got to enjoy yourself with your family, got to go witnessing, and you were privileged enough to savor the fine delicacies (so I've heard) at the Factory.

By the way, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Something tells me that you'll have a wonderful evening.

J. C. Ashby said...

Hey, Jose! Did you know about the party the guys planned? Yeah... I was "abducted" for the evening, blind-folded, and forced to eat pizza and caramel cake at Chuck E Cheese's. Then, the little devils gave me tons of gold tokens, and stood and WATCHED me as I won tons of tickets playing all sorts of games. (Is there no justice?)

As if that wasn't enough, the blind-folded me AGAIN and drove me to some remote campus the GREATLY resembled the Jo-Bowl, and laughed at me mockingly as I swung at a fish-shaped pinata! The shame...the shame.

(Actually...I HAD A BLAST! Can a girl get anymore blessed w/ such great friends? I submit that she can NOT!)

Sorry you couldn't be there (I know you were at work), but you were with us in Spirit. Besides...YOU'RE NEXT!

Lisa said...

HaPpY bIrThDaY, Jenny-Ben!

This is the official day of your birthday so I just wanted to tell you that I was thinking of and praying for you! Chucky Cheese was a blast...and watching you swing for the fish pinata was

Anonymous said...

All I can do is point and laugh: hahahahahahahahahahahahheeheheheheheheheheheheeeeee!!!

Chucky Cheeses!!! Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhehehehehehehehhehehehehee!!!

Anonymous said...

we love you Jen - and I'm so glad that you enjoyed your birthday surprise. :)

J. C. Ashby said...

I love you guys, too, D. I never knew how blessed I would be by coming here to Southern. I am so thankful for each and every one of you, and pray the Lord continue to be glorifed in our fellowship and the memories we make w/ each other. He has taught and changed me so much thru you all already...

Feel better, hon-bun. And let Lisa and I know if there's anything we can do for you.

Anonymous said...


-lindsay and lindie

Anonymous said... need to post about your birthday party!

Anonymous said...

Jen, I command you to post. This is a five day warning.

J. C. Ashby said...

Hey, Virginia!

Well, my precious... I would LOVE to post; however, I am trying to patiently await YOUR SISTER to give me my birthday pictures so I can post about the suprise party they threw me.


It was - OH! - so much fun... Unfortunately, though, it was all captured on somebody else's camera, so my access is limited.

But SOON, my love... SOON!