Tuesday, November 01, 2005


I KNOW, I KNOW, I KNOW... This post is sorrily overdue. Yeah, time has gotten away from me, but the GOOD news is the Lord - in His infinite graciousness - has blessed me with motivation and a nerdful spirit to finish the semester strong.

OK, maybe not strong...but finish the semester, at least. Remember: "D stands for 'Diploma' ."

But in other news, I'm looking forward to my mom and three sisters coming up for a visit this weekend. This is the first time that they (my mom, in particular) have left Terre Haute since my Dad's death back in June. It's been particularly difficult for her adjusting to the absence of her husband (and best-friend) of 28 years, yet I'm so encouraged by Mom's faith and willingness to look to the Lord to be her Guide and Hope w/ this incredible loss. We've all had our moments of doubt/anger/etc. (all associated w/ the grieving process), but I was really touched when she said that she absolutely wanted to come down to L'ville for a visit. (Trust me: for my mom, that is a BIG deal).

Anyway...it'll be the first time they see our new apt., and it should be a lot more comfy than staying in the Legacy Center (no disrespect intended - the Center is GREAT; but "home" is "home," you know?). As expected, we "girls" are hoping to shop around, watch movies, catch up on each others' lives, and just enjoy the time that God has given us together. My goal, therefore, is to get all my homework/projects done before then. (A bit ambitious, I know - but I figure it's a worthy goal). We'll actually have the entire apt. to ourselves since my two beloved roomies (Lisa and Donna) both have out-of-town engagements for the weekend: Lisa's lil' bro is getting married (YAY, RYAN AND BETHANY!!!), and Donna will be leading worship at the International Student Conference ("People all over the world, join hands; start a Love Train...").

So, yeah...busy weekend ahead. But a good one. There's so much to be thankful for, you know? I've also been reading J.I. Packer's "Knowing God" for my Systematic class, and it's really been forcing me to meditate/contemplate some foundation Truths of the Word. I really am enjoying this reading because it's quite fundamental, but also extremely detailed and written in such a way that I just get PUMPED after a chapter or two. Note to self: read more Packer. :)

I'm so grateful for and to the amazing God we serve! He is both "Yahweh" and "Abba-Father"; sovereign, yet intimate and accessible; fearsome, and tender... The praise goes on FOREVER!!!

And it will... :)


Anonymous said...

I hope that you have a wonderful time with your family... and make sure your sister Megan gets to sleep in the "frog/tikki bed." :)

I miss you girls... come home soon!

Lisa said...

I am so glad your mom and sisters are coming up for your birthday weekend. I'm sure you guys will have a great time...though you will be missed in OH at the wedding.

Anonymous said...

Did you....? Yes, yes, you did. You used "sorrily" and "nerdful" in the same paragraph. Everyone knows that when you parse sorrily it contradicts usage in the same paragraph as nerdful. I'm sorrily apologetic to have to be so nerdful as to point this out to you.

Anonymous said...

When the gals are away, the Wojaks will stay. Have a great weekend!!!

J. C. Ashby said...

Awe... Jose, what a fun little rhyme. I didn't check this until AFTER the cafeteria today; that's why I didn't know what you were talking about earlier.

Jonathan: I sorrily regret that my nerdfulness prevented me from using these two grammatical constructs in a proper form. Please forgive me. I will try to be more proactive in the future. :) (It was good seeing you in the hall this morning... Are you having a good day?)

Anonymous said...

enjoy miss glam shot!

Anonymous said...

I am with you on the "D" for diploma mess. Thanks for the comments.