Thursday, January 31, 2008

Have A Happy ASHBY Day!

Ladies and gentleman, without further adieu, I am ECSTATIC to announce that - after intense anticipation, incredible patience, and NUMEROUS bags of Uncle Willy's microwave popcorn scarfed while sitting on the edge of our seats...



(Insert agonizing breath of suspense *HERE*)

JIM ASHBY #3's 25th BERFDAY!!!

To commemorate this gala event, I would like to cordially invite all admirers of our beloved Jimbo to post, toast, and roast him on this special "birthday card," which will be unveiled to the Birthday Boy after the debut of his long-awaited returning TV show, "LOST."

On a personal note:

Jame Henry Ashby are the love of my life. There is no other man that I could spend the rest of my days with, and that is why I am here by your side. The day we met was the day the Lord introduced me to my best friend and soul mate. The Lord's authorship and compassion is so beautifully transparent in the man that you are, and the man you are becoming. May you look back upon these past 25 years as the time you loved and knew the Lord the least, as our Father continues to inspire and increase your love and hunger for Christ, and spurs you on in perseverance and faithfulness.


Thursday, January 24, 2008

"Crucial" Observations

Just two weeks ago, I started a new job as the Guest Services Coordinator with Crossings: an amazing company that loves the Lord, and seeks to serve Him with their unique vision and talents. Suffice it to say, though I'm still in the midst of learning the ins-and-outs of my new position at the office, the people I work with are incredible! When someone inquires about your place of employment and asks "So what's it like working there?...," very rarely are you ever able to say: "It's like going to hang out with my friends and/or family!" These people have gone out of their way to make "work" feel like "home," and it makes a huge difference in the effectiveness of what Crossings seeks to accomplish.

During our weekly meetings, we just finished reading and discussing the book "Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When Stakes Are High." Being the avid communication addict that I am, reading sections of this book was much like giving massive quantities of chocolate to a menstruating female! It largely discusses techniques and methods that are often over-looked or under-practiced when we're confronted with highly-emotional/highly-significant situations with others (i.e. "crucial conversations"). Often times, in such intense circumstances, two reactions tend to occur: 1) people shut-down entirely - morphing into complete silence (no "making waves," silent pouting, avoidance, etc.); or 2) all Hades breaks loose (bring-on the shouting matches, fights, sarcastic games, and personal digs).

If you're anything like me, when crucial conversations arise, you make like an ostrich: cram your fearfully flustered head into the closest hole in the ground, and pray to God the whole mess just "blows over." As one can imagine: this - most often - does not solve anything, and you eventually either get knocked over by what you're trying to avoid, or you lose consciousness.

As we navigated our way through the book, it was striking to see how many basic and foundational Biblical principles were consistently presented as realistic solutions to relational issues (further proof that Scripture is relevant and applicable for all of Mankind). For example: 1) monitoring the internal stories that people tell themselves when they don't have all the information (Romans 12:2); 2) listening to others in the midst of emotional melt-downs (James 1:18-20); 3) avoiding jumping to conclusions (1 Corinthians 13); and 4) maintaining an optimistic outlook when working through a tough relationship (Philippians 4:8). Imagine that: the Bible as pertinent and sufficient to speak to the daily conditions of peoples' lives! (Note the overly-exaggerated sarcastic tone...)

So what was the most impacting element I carried away from this recent read? Well, besides the powerful reminder that Scripture is more than capable of coaching us through any curve-ball life may throw; it reminded me that loving others is not playing the role of the martyr, the sacrificial peacemaker, or the bitter tag-along in order to "stop the fighting." Loving people is listening to them, not just hearing them; understanding them, not being understood by them; and using conflict to exhort others to a common purpose, not exhaust them from your own carnal pursuits.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

A New Era...

I'm staring at this blank, blogging slate...and I have no idea what to share.

How do you sum up the intensity of change that has thunder-bolted through your life, after not having written for over a year?

I am not the woman I once was...

(Enter sound of rushing wind, indicating a sudden trek back through time)

OK, first-things-first:

In the Fall of 2006, Donna (having recently wed the dashing Jason Shaw), Lisa, and I gathered to clean and exit our beloved haven located at Lakeview Apartments, and re-locate both Lisa and I into my new apartment in Louisville (not far from the lovely Mrs. Shaw herself). The whole ordeal was quite the memory, as we both packed AND removed our belongings via truck and car caravan, in a record
5 HOURS. To this day, I still have nightmares...

At the same time, the adventurous Miss Lisa McGary was preparing in a matter of days to exit our beloved American soil, and to venture abroad for several months in the quaint and classic gardens of Great Britain. She made tons of friends, collected a library of memories, and - following after the Lord's lead - entered into a whole new season of life and learning (which followed her back to the states in the early Spring of 2007).

Meanwhile, back in Kentucky, while attending classes and living my long-fantasized-about life of a single, twenty-something facing the odds on her own (and loving it!); Jen receives the good word of babies-to-be: yes, Donna and Jason are expecting (not to mention two of my other good friends, Sandy and Cassey, who were also to welcome little bundles of joy into the world...).

Thus begins the next several months of baby showers, baby shopping, and learning everything there is to know about how a woman's pregnant body works (at least, from an excited Auntie's perspective). But that wasn't all those memorable months would bring, friends: for the Lord was about to unleash an unexpected life surprise of my very the form of Jim Ashby.

In early December 2006, this charming and genuine young man initiates a pursuit for my heart that was launched out of almost nowhere; and landed both of us at the altar of Immanuel Baptist Church on October 14, 2007, saying our "I do's" before cherished friends and family. Ladies and gentleman, I am thrilled to announce that I am
now Mrs. Jennifer C. Ashby!

Whew! Suffice it to say, I have left out many a juicy detail in this brief (yet exhaustive) glance back, each of which I plan on utilizing as blogging fuel in the future - stuffed with baby pictures, wedding photos, and thanksgiving and praise to the Lord on High for His eternal generosity to His people. Ciao!