Saturday, April 01, 2006

Jen Meets "Facebook"

Guess what I did for TWO HOURS today!

Last weekend, my friends Lin-z Jennings (not really how you spell her name) and Catherine Huffman spent the evening helping me sign up for a Facebook account while watching Grey's Anatomy on TV (great episode, by the way...).

I have this funny tendency of not really being interested in the technological/computer stuff that everyone else is into...but I'm getting better! For example, it wasn't until this past Fall that my sweet roomie, Donna, finally got me to sign up for a blog account (and after much prodding and pleading, I might add). Now I'm hooked!

Well, I think the lightning bolt has struck again.

For two hours this afternoon, I sat in front of a computer screen updating info, downloading pics, and browsing/searching for long-lost companions I've not spoken to in literally decades! I'm gonna have to be careful, or this could become yet another ugly sap of my precious time and energy.

I pray the Lord help me to prove a good steward with Facebook!


Anonymous said...

I got a mention on Jen's blog! I feel SO cool!!!! If the addiction to facebook becomes overwhelming, don't worry - we'll start a support group.

J. C. Ashby said...

You ARE cool, Catherine!

How did shopping go? Did you buy some cute, pink shoes?

Anonymous said...

I did get cute pink shoes! By the way, I really like the picture that goes with this post... sort of Dali-esque, just without the gore. Enjoy your spring break! Sleep in for me at least once!

J. C. Ashby said...


And, girl...for YOU...I'll sleep-in ALL WEEK!
