Friday, June 16, 2006


Ah...NAPPING! If there's one thing to be happy about the's that NAPTIME becomes a more frequent indulgence (seeing as how I'm not taking any summer classes right now, so I have a bit of free time on my hands).

Almost two weeks ago, Lisa's little sister, Virginia, came and stayed w/ us for a while. We had a GRAND time: staying up late, watching movies, sewing, laughing... It's no WONDER the two of us "pooped out" right around mid-day.

Ever since I was young, I have always been a napper... My body just tends to "shut down" at certain points of the day; and even if it's only for 20 minutes, I have to be allowed to "recharge" my battery if I'm gonna make it through to the evening hours.

Of course, there are also those people who can't stand to "miss a beat" as the day marches onward, but it seems that Virginia and I were perfectly content to snuggle-up and snooze the afternoon away. Well...sort of. :)

Anyway... If you, too, are a "napper": seize these hot and humid days by the barometer, and SIESTA ON, MY LOVELIES!


Lisa said...


You guys had me rolling!

I guess you could say that the two of you had your very own mid-day slumber I loved having my sister up for a few was a blast!


Anonymous said...

I'm sad that I missed the Siesta of the Century... but at least you all made use of my bed in my absence! :) YES - I'm still a part!

Anonymous said...

those are so fake... I cant even imagine having a dream that I would smirk that obvious....

naps are great. especially the ones in between jobs. Take a shower, crash for twenty, put on a new uniform, drive to the next. Come home nap for a hour then stay up three hours really bored cause you cant decide what to do - muse or amuse yourself.

anyways some saturday night in the next few weeks I and Buni will have to have you over for dinner, if your not napping