Thursday, November 03, 2005

Things I'm Gonna Do to Celebrate...

OK, roughly speaking, we have about two weeks left of school before Thanksgiving Break, and then finals following. Translation: two months of unadulterated R&R (or whatever you would like to do) following the grueling task of cramming for finals. Thus, in a renewed spirit of anticipation, I would like for you all to project your thoughts and contemplations (briefly) to the future; and pose the question:

"What are YOUR plans for those two months?"

I am well aware that many will be wedding, travelling for the holidays, graduation (sniffle - we'll miss you Jonathan Hodges), and catching up on long-lost friendships that have been sorely neglected due to more pressing scholastic demands. My brief list consists of the following:

1) Christmas shopping (one of my FAVORITE yearly tasks - no fascetiousness intended)
2) Read all the books that I've listed on my "To-Read List"
3) Pray about taking an "in-between" semester course
4) Decorate the apartment w/ Don and Lees for the Holidays (WOO-HOO!!)
5) Play Christmas music until they break down the door and smash all my CDs
6) Plan continuous "hang-out times" at Java to catch up on those "suffering friendships"
7) Seek to establish some new holiday traditions in honor of my Dad *** (this is top priority)
8) SLEEP (and prepare for the Spring)

This list is by no means restricted or limited to the aforesaid activities. My goal is merely to get you cogitating. So think about it... Then let us know!


Anonymous said...

Jennifer Wojak!!!!!!!!!!! Respond to me!

The mere thought of Christmastime approaching warms my heart and puts a smile on my face. I get no "break" but I will eat and shop and eat some more. My newest goal during the months of November and December is to attain face to face contact with one Jennifer Wojak.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm... no I've been cogitating for too long. No more of that this semester. It's time to marinate now.

I'll miss everyone here too, when I graduate [ha ha, suckers].
We'll definitely have to get together at Java before graduation, AND you should have a christmas get-together at your decorated place!

Things I wanna do in the next 2 weeks:

1. See the world
2. Train a spider monkey
3. Hang glide from Mt. Everest to hawaii
4. Ride in the Delorian ("we need more Jigowatts! The flux capacitor's not working!")
5. Patent my inventions
6. Break down the door and smash all my neighbor's cds.
7. Eat just one pringle, to prove that once you pop, you really can stop.
8. Meet my future wife
9. Bring the postmodern movement to a complete halt.
10.Wax my toenails.

Anonymous said...

My proposed to-do list:

1) Decorate the apartment with a Christmas pickles and singing/dancing Santa we saw at Walmart (you know the one, Jen -- you get a twitch every time we walk by it)

2) Distract Jen as much as possible from reading the books she THINKS that she will be reading over break.

3) KILL Jen if she even THINKS about putting on any Christmas music

4) Wear reindeer antlers every day from the day after Thanksgiving until New Years.

5) Story night with Jen and Lisa -- okay, so this is the only serious one ;)

J. C. Ashby said...

BETH!!! I am a HORRIBLE person! I am SO sorry I've not been able to call you yet. The deal is this:

I've had MONDO projects/assingments to turn in these past weeks; I'm working both my jobs (40 hours/week) and don't get home until late, late hours; and 3) all my spare time has been spent catching up on all the sleep I'm losing! :(

My family's coming up this weekend, so I'm not working - I can try and get in touch w/ you and amy then. I'm actually at work right now, that's why I'm responding to your comment. :)

Love you, girl! Forgive my excessive delays! :(

Anonymous said...

Cogitating Schmogitating:) This Christmas I'm just looking forward to being with the Fam and with celelbrating the birth of Christ and with having a much better Christmas than last year.

It is nice to savor time well spent with your loved ones when you only get to see them once every 6 months. Nevertheless, I'm thankful that I do get to see them. I cannot imagine being half a world away (as many international students are in this situation) and cannot see your loved ones for years at a time.

Thanks be to the Lord for this wonderful time of the year!!!

Anonymous said...

And jose - your sister's coming to visit around Thanksgiving isn't she?! WOw you must be excited to get to see her. You should take her to the guys' house (oh wait, you already did that didn't' you?)

Well, I wont be here, but maybe one day I'll stop by Tampa and hang out with your family or something :)

Lisa said...

Don't forget, girls, we are planning on having an evening of stimulating literary phonation in our sitting room as soon as is reasonably possible.

Anonymous said...

I really look forward to the break. Here are a few things I plan to do:

1.Read some books that have sparked my interest and some books for next semester on swimming skills
4.enjoy Louisville without having to think about a bajillion other things
5.try to get better at running
6.have a social life
7.much resting

Anonymous said...

Lisa and Jenny (in response to Lisa's comment above): you guys are going to have a phone-a-thon? WOW! What's a literary phone-a-thon? And why in the world, considering where y'all work, would you want to spend an evening on the phone outside of work?!